Here is a step by step guide on how to test a Game Boy Color FunnyPlaying screen that comes with the V1 and V2 kits.
As part of our warranty terms and conditions, we require everyone to test their Game Boy Color screen kits before installing. This way we can offer support for any issues quickly. Whilst it doesn't happen very often, the screen kits are very delicate and sometimes get damaged between the factory and the final destination.
Tools and Parts required;
Tri Wing Screwdriver and a JIS screwdriver
FunnyPlaying Q5 V1 Screen Kit or FunnyPlaying Q5 V2 Screen Kit
Note: This guide forms part of a bigger series called "A Step By Step Guide to modding a Game Boy Color." The other articles in the series can be found clicking the button below.
TikTok Video
If you prefer to watch a video, here is a short clip from our TikTok on how to test your GBC screen before install.
@retrogamingparts It’s important to test your Game Boy Color screen kit before installation. Here’s how for the Q5 V1 and Q5 laminated. #retrogamingparts #retrogamingontiktok #gameboymodding #gameboycolor #gameboycolormod #gameboycolorips ♬ FEEL THE GROOVE - Queens Road, Fabian Graetz
Step-By-Step Guide
1. Remove The Rear Shell
Pro Tip 1; Always test the donor system before starting this step.
Remove the six tri-wing screws located on the back of the GBC shell, circled in red.
Two of these screws are tucked away in the battery compartment.
Pro Tip 2: put the power switch slider safe as these tend to get lost easily.
Motherboard Screws
Remove the 3 x JIS screws, the locations are circled in red.
Pro Tip 3: a small phillips will work here but be careful not to strip the screw heads.
Lift up the clips on each side of the ribbon cable connection, and slide the ribbon out.
Lift out the motherboard and place the remaining parts of the Game Boy Color out of the way.
2. Lay Out The Screen Kit Parts
Parts included:
- Small touch pad,
- One x small wire,
- Two x longer wires,
- 3M sticky gasket (already attached to the screen if you have the laminated 2.0 version),
- Black “light bleed” sticker for use on a clear shell (laminated 2.0 only)
- Ribbon cable and
- IPS screen panel.
Pro Tip 4: FunnyPlaying do make minor changes to their screen kits. If yours doesn't include all these parts, or different parts, check the product listing as this is the most up to date list. If you have any questions, please use the instant chat function.
3. Install the connections for testing
Connect the FunnyPlaying ribbon to the GBC motherboard (copper side of the ribbon facing outwards) and push the clamps down at each end of the ribbon connector to ensure a tight fit.
Solder the short wire to the PWR pad on the ribbon.
Solder the other end to the C pin on the centre of the power switch.
Connect the screen to the ribbon
With the ribbon still poking vertically out of the top of the motherboard (no need to bend it) connect the small screen tab to the ribbon.
Pro Tip 5: This is a delicate tab. A small amount of pressure is needed before a 'click' is felt.
4. Test the screen
Use a battery holder with crocodile clips to supply power to the motherboard.
Pro Tip 6; If you dont have a battery holder, place the motherboard into the rear shell, replace one of the JIS screws you removed in step 1. Insert 2 AA batteries into the battery compartment.
Switch the GBC on and check the screen for any damage, dead pixels or pressure points.
If the screen looks ok, then disconnect the power supply, and the screen from the motherboard and continue with the rest of the build.
If you have any issues, take a short video and send it to us and we will happily help you solve it or send you a replacement.